Hours Bashas - Sun Lakes, AZ
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Bashas is easily reached at 10325 East Riggs Road, in east Sun Lakes (by Sun Lakes Center). The store is perfectly located for people from Tempe, Chandler, Mesa, Gilbert, Phoenix, Sacaton, Higley and Bapchule. If you plan to swing by today (Sunday), its working hours are from 5:00 am - 9:00 pm. This page will provide you with all the information you need on Bashas Sun Lakes, AZ, including the times, place of business address, phone number and other important info.
Bashas is located in a good place near the intersection of South Saddletree Drive and East Riggs Road, in Sun Lakes, Arizona.
Situated within a 1 minute trip from South Stoney Path Drive, East Coopers Hawk Drive, South Boxwood Drive or East Michigan Avenue; a 4 minute drive from West Hunt Highway, Az-587 and South Alma School Road; or a 8 minute drive from South Arizona Avenue (Az-87) and East Hunt Highway (Az-87).
The address for route finder systems is 10325 East Riggs Road, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248.
You may take the train to Serape Railroad Station (1.73 mi away).
In the vicinity you can discover Risen Saviour - The Pathway Center, Sisk Park, Palo Verde Golf Course, Skyline Gila River, Valley of the Sun Mortuary & Cemetery, Ed Robson Library, Sun Lakes Center, Sun Lakes Golf Course and Risen Savior Lutheran Church.
At the time, Bashas owns 1 store in Sun Lakes, Arizona.
The entire listing of Bashas stores near Sun Lakes, at the following link.
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