AutoZone - Middletown, PA

422 East Main StreetMiddletownPA 17057Get directions

Hours AutoZone - Middletown, PA


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AutoZone - Middletown, PA - Hours & Store Details

You will find AutoZone situated at an ideal location at 422 East Main Street, within the east region of Middletown (nearby M&H Railroad Station). This store is situated in a convenient district that mainly serves the people of Etters, Hershey, Hummelstown, Highspire, Harrisburg, York Haven and Bainbridge. Today (Sunday), its store hours are from 8:00 am until 8:00 pm. For additional information about AutoZone Middletown, PA, including the hours, address description and telephone number, please refer to the sections on this page.

Getting Here - East Main Street, Middletown

AutoZone is conveniently situated not far from the intersection of Vine Street and East Main Street, in Middletown, Pennsylvania.

By car

1 minute drive from Adelia Street, Hoffman Avenue, Race Street or East Water Street; a 4 minute drive from West Harrisburg Pike (Pa-441-Truck), South Union Street (Pa-441) or Pa-230; or a 10 minute drive from Pennsylvania Turnpike and Pa-283. Users of route finder devices can enter the address 422 East Main Street, Middletown, PA 17057 when traveling here.

By train

The train arrives at M&H Railroad Station (3020 ft) and Middletown Station (5080 ft away).

On foot

By foot you may come across Hoffer Park, Main Street Gym, Middletown Public Library and Oak Hills Park.

AutoZone Locations Nearby Middletown, PA

There is presently 1 AutoZone location operational in Middletown, Pennsylvania.

Navigate to this page for a full list of every AutoZone branch near Middletown.

Other Stores

Open: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm0.04mi
Open: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm0.07mi
Open: 6:00 am - 11:00 pm0.11mi