AutoZone - Dallastown, PA

859 East Main StreetDallastownPA 17313Get directions

Hours AutoZone - Dallastown, PA


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AutoZone - Dallastown, PA - Hours & Store Details

AutoZone is found in a good spot at 859 East Main Street, in the east area of Dallastown (near Nitchkey Field). The store is properly located for customers from York, Seven Valleys, Red Lion, Felton, Windsor, Rossville and Loganville. Business hours today (Sunday) are 8:00 am until 8:00 pm. On this page you may find all the up-to-date information about AutoZone Dallastown, PA, including the business hours, street address, customer experience, and more info.

Getting Here - East Main Street, Dallastown

AutoZone is currently found close to the intersection of East Main Street and West Broadway, in Dallastown, Pennsylvania.

By car

Merely a 1 minute trip from Dove Lane, Country Club Road, Glen Avenue and Burrow Road; a 4 minute drive from Springwood Road, Cape Horn Road (Pa-24) or West Broadway (Pa-74); or a 10 minute trip from North Main Street (Pa-24) or West Main Street (Pa-74). Those using GPS devices can enter 859 East Main Street, Dallastown, PA 17313.

AutoZone Locations Nearby Dallastown, PA

There is presently 1 AutoZone location open in Dallastown, Pennsylvania.

Go to the following link for AutoZone stores near Dallastown.

Other Stores

Open: 11:00 am - 10:00 pm0.01mi
Open: 8:00 am - 10:00 pm0.04mi
Open: 6:00 am - 10:00 pm0.08mi