AT&T - Franklin, KY

1431 Nashville RoadFranklinKY 42134Get directions

Hours AT&T - Franklin, KY

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AT&T - Franklin, KY - Hours & Store Details

AT&T is currently found at 1431 Nashville Road, in the south part of Franklin (a few minutes walk from The Medical Center). This store serves the patrons of Orlinda, Portland, Mitchellville, Cross Plains and Woodburn. Doors are open here today (Sunday) from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm, for those who would like to visit. Here you can find some information about AT&T Franklin, KY, including the operating times, place of business address details and customer rating.

Getting Here - Nashville Road, Franklin

AT&T sits immediately near the intersection of Macedonia Road and Macedonia Spur Road, in Franklin, Kentucky.

By car

1 minute drive time from Dove Lane, South Main Street, Memorial Drive or Blackberry Drive; a 4 minute drive from Harding Road (Ky-1008), Bluegrass Road or Rainbow Drive; and a 12 minute trip from Mimosa Drive or Witt Road. When using GPS systems enter the address 1431 Nashville Road, Franklin, KY 42134 to get to this location.

AT&T Locations Nearby Franklin, KY

At present, AT&T runs 1 branch in Franklin, Kentucky.

Click on this page for all AT&T branches near Franklin.

Other Stores

Open: 9:00 am - 10:00 pm0.01mi
Open: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm0.03mi
Open: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm0.12mi