Arby's occupies a prominent location in Prairie Shopping Center situated at 181 West Prairie Avenue, in the south section of Hayden (by Hayden Library). This store is beneficial for the people of Rathdrum, Post Falls, Coeur d'Alene, Coeur D Alene and Dalton Gardens. It is open today (Sunday) from 10:00 am until 10:00 pm. This page includes business times, address details and phone info for Arby's Hayden, ID.
Arby's is situated in an ideal location near the intersection of West Prairie Avenue and North Franklin Street, in Hayden, Idaho, at Prairie Shopping Center.
Merely a 1 minute drive from US-95, North Government Way, East Prairie Avenue and North Wayne Drive; a 4 minute drive from North Ramsey Road, East Hayden Lake Road and West Hayden Avenue; or a 8 minute trip from West Hanley Avenue (US-95) or North 15th Street. When using route planners enter the address 181 West Prairie Avenue, Hayden, ID 83835 to get here.
A short walk from the bus stops at Government & Aqua and Hayden Library. The most convenient way to get here is by service C.
Just a short walk away you might discover Couer d'Alene Memorial Gardens, McIntire Family Park, Legacy Park, Hayden Meadows Elementary School, Silver Lake Mall, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, NorthStar Baptist Church, Hayden Library and Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses.
There is presently 1 Arby's restaurant open in Hayden, Idaho.
Navigate to this page for a full list of every Arby's store near Hayden.
While shopping at Arby's, be sure to check out the other stores in Prairie Shopping Center.
Related searches: Arby's Hayden – W Prairie Avenue