Hours ALDI - Mt Pleasant, IA
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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ALDI is located within easy reach at 1309 East Washington St, in the south-east section of Mount Pleasant (near to Mount Pleasant Christian School). The grocery store primarily provides service to patrons from the districts of New London, Swedesburg, Mount Union, Rome, Olds, Yarmouth and Salem. Hours today (Sunday) are 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. This page includes store hours, location info or direct telephone for ALDI Mt Pleasant, IA.
ALDI is easily reached close to the intersection of East Washington Street and South Haynes Street, in Mount Pleasant, Iowa.
Only a 1 minute drive time from East Monroe Street, Exit 42B (Avenue of The Saints) of Ia-27, North Brazelton Street or South Bittersweet Street; a 5 minute drive from North Grand Avenue, Ia-163 and South Grand Avenue (US-218-Business); or a 10 minute drive time from US-34-Business and Avenue of The Saints (Ia-27).
If you're using navigation systems, please enter 1309 East Washington St, Mount Pleasant, IA 52641.
If you're coming by train, you can alight at Mount Pleasant Amtrak Station (1.14 mi away).
The grocery store is within easy walking distance to Open Bible Standard Church, Van Allen Elementary School, Remington Seeds, Sheaffer Park, Little League Ball Park and American Building Components.
At the time, ALDI operates 1 store in Mount Pleasant, Iowa.
For an entire directory of ALDI stores near Mount Pleasant, go to the link provided.
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