Hours ALDI - Centennial Way, Roswell, GA
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Christmas Opening Hours
Aldi stores have special opening hours for Christmas and New Year. They are closed on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, while opening hours are shortened on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.
ALDI can be found at 2000 Holcomb Bridge Rd, in the north-east section of Roswell, in Johns Creek (close to Hillside Elementary School and Centennial High School Football Stadium). This supermarket is situated in a convenient location for people from Norcross, Alpharetta, Roswell, Dunwoody and Peachtree Corners. Today (Sunday), you can visit 9:00 am until 8:00 pm. Refer to this page for information about ALDI Centennial Way, Roswell, GA, including the hours, store address details, direct contact number and more.
ALDI is easily reached right near the intersection of Scott Road and Holcomb Bridge Road, in Johns Creek, Roswell.
This supermarket is situated within a 1 minute trip from Scott Road and Holcomb Bridge Road; a 4 minute drive from Old Alabama Road; and a 6 minute trip from Exit 7A of US 19.
The address for GPS systems is: 600 Mansell Road, Roswell, GA 30076.
Subway stop: North Springs Transit (6.30 mi away). The most accessible line is the Red.
By foot you may come across Holcomb Bridge Middle School, East Roswell Park, Esther Jackson Elementary, Hillside Elementary School, Centennial High School Football Stadium and Centennial High School.
At present, ALDI has 2 stores in Roswell, Georgia. More ALDI supermarkets can be found at:
For more ALDI visit this following page for an entire list of stores near Roswell.