Advance Auto Parts - Woodruff, SC

320 South Main StreetWoodruffSC 29388Get directions

Hours Advance Auto Parts - Woodruff, SC

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Advance Auto Parts - Woodruff, SC - Hours & Store Details

Advance Auto Parts occupies an ideal spot at 320 South Main Street, within the south-east part of Woodruff (a few minutes walk from McKinney Park). Customers can easily come here from Roebuck, White Stone, Pauline, Enoree, Gray Court, Reidville and Moore. Today (Tuesday), service starts at 7:30 am and ends at 9:00 pm. Here you'll find the specifics for Advance Auto Parts Woodruff, SC, including the business hours, local directions, telephone number and other beneficial information.

Getting Here - South Main Street, Woodruff

Advance Auto Parts is located in a good spot near the intersection of West Pine Street, East Pine Street and South Main Street, in Woodruff, South Carolina.

By car

Simply a 1 minute trip from Laurens Road, West Griffith Street, Teague Street and Hughes Street; a 4 minute drive from Cross Anchor Road, Highway 221 or Sc-101; and a 9 minute drive time from State Highway 101 and North Main Street (US-221). To find the location easily with navigation systems, key in the following address: 320 South Main Street, Woodruff, SC 29388.

On foot

Within a couple miles there is Woodruff Library, Wayne Brown's Self Storage, Shoppes at North Main and Timrod Library.

Advance Auto Parts Locations Nearby Woodruff, SC

There is presently 1 Advance Auto Parts location open in Woodruff, South Carolina.

Click here to see a complete listing of Advance Auto Parts stores near Woodruff.

Other Stores

Open: 9:00 am - 10:00 pm0.07mi
Open: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm0.26mi
Open: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm0.26mi